Purposeful Kingdom Equipping & Empowerment
Marketplace Solutions
Are you called in to the Marketplace and will need some skills or solutions to become successful? Or you have a Marketplace Ministry and looking for partnership to execute a project?
We are able and ready to collaborate and work with you.
How We Do It
We provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs on selected topics: Entrepreneurship; Generating & Refining Business Ideas; Non-Profit Management; Project Management; Data Analytics; Digital Marketing. They are delivered as Stand-alone or sub Programs/Events.
They are delivered through
- Consultations and/or Coaching
- Practical Workshops, Seminars, Training, Events
- Pragmatic Expositions (Presentations, Teachings, etc.)
A key benefit of this solution is Strategic Equipping leading to enhanced productivity of the believer, hence the exercising of leadership and dominion in his/her area of operation.