Purposeful Kingdom Equipping & Empowerment


This is one of our core ethos as we believe in unity in the Body of Christ.

We are constantly looking for ways to network, partner and share goals with likeminded individuals and groups.

Follow Us on Social

This is one of the simplest, yet POWERFUL and IMPORTANT ways you can get involved and support our work.

LIKE, FOLLOW or SUSCRIBE to our pages/channels on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Help us share the many insightful information we upload to our Social Feeds.

Volunteer – Intern – Part-timer (V.I.P)

Volunteers are welcomed to contribute in any way possible in our pursuit. It can be one-time or an ongoing basis.

Currently we are looking for an Accounting/Bookkeeping Volunteer

Students seeking internship opportunities are also welcomed.

For those who want to help, but have irregular schedules, they are always welcome on board as part-timers and this can be with administrative duties or events.

Attend an event

Another way you can support us is by participating in an event.

Please check our Calendar page to learn more.

Also, you can directly Contact Us to know about upcoming events.

Make a Donation

We especially welcome material donations towards specific projects and events. Currently we are looking for office items and materials to help with event execution.